Exit Intent

Here’s how you can see the Exit Intent popup

  • Move your cursor off this page.
  • Click outside this browser window.
  • Switch to a different tab.
  • Change focus to a different app (e.g., Ctrl/Cmd + Tab from your browser to your email app).

Try one of those now.

Wait 10 seconds after each try

For this demo, the popup creates a cookie for 10 seconds. Please wait 10 seconds after each try to let the popup cookie expire.

Are you on a mobile phone?

If you are on a mobile phone, swipe down the page and quickly swipe up to the top.

Show the popup if you’re about to click on a link!

If you want to impress your friends (Who doesn’t?), give this a go.

  1. Hover over this external link https://wppopupmaker.com/extensions/exit-intent-popups/
  2. Wait 10 seconds.
  3. Hover over this internal link.

Pretty cool, huh? You can even turn the Link Click feature on/off or tweak it to your liking.

Wanna tweak the exit intent trigger Link Click settings now?

  1. Go to this demo site’s /wp-admin/ page. Don’t worry—you have admin access, and you can’t break anything. C’mon it’s a demo site!
  2. Head over to Popup Maker > All Popups > Exit Intent Demo.
  3. Scroll down to the Triggers settings. Click Exit Intent (or the pencil icon).
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Be sure to save your changes when you’re done.

Thanks for giving us a try!

Thanks for trying out Popup Maker.

Happy popup making ☺️